Know More CONTACT USAXLR8 is user-friendly and easily accessible
AXLR8 is oriented as a search engine friendly platform and it extends a hassle-free admin panel. As a resolution for security and malware hazards, AXLR8 upholds robust coding and offers a near-zero vulnerability to malware/phishing attacks. With W3 validation and two-stage quality assurance, your virtual showroom built with AXLR8 can excel in both quality and usability.
AXLR8 excelled as an ultimate platform for shifting your physical showroom into a virtual one. We, therefore, provide instant booking notifications and multiple logins for easy managment.
Know MoreAdmins can manage all booking activities online, and deliver the bookings on time by analyzing the report. AXLR8 offers accurate and up to date custom reports to admins, and it includes booking details, delivery details, customers details and so on.
During tough times like this where customers prefer to stay at the comfort of their homes and make purchases online, having an online showroom is the only way to keep the sales graph pointing towards the sky. AXLR8 will be the perfect digital entrance for your dealership into the world of virtual showrooms.
AXLR8 supports and can be easily integrated with all major payment gateways.
AXLR8 is W3 validated and two-stage quality assured as well.
AXLR8 offers accurate and up to date custom reports to admins with booking and customer details.
AXLR8 extends a hatchway, where you can manage all
your bookings in a click. Easy & hassle free.